Zen and the Art of Mediation
June 30, 2019
By Martin Plowman

With an increasing number of Mediation books now being published, ‘Zen and the Art of Mediation’ offers a fresh approach to understanding conflict resolution. Exploring mediation and the process through the lens of the ‘heart’, Plowman boldly states ‘if you are a budding mediator and were simply looking for a manual containing mediation techniques, then I’m afraid that this isn’t quite that book.’ ‘He is right, this certainly isn’t a training manual, it’s far more. Through fictional characters and engaging stories, Plowman manages to explore key components such as trust, empathy and the importance of a shared perspective in a way that is rarely captured through the more traditional format.

An enlightening and enjoyable read that will be of interest to mediators to dispute resolution professionals.

Martin Plowman has been a mediator for fifteen years, and had successfully mediated over a thousand cases. He is the only mediator to have been ranked in the top three mediators in the UK by the Independent Mediator Database in each of the past ten years.

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