Working with businesses – saving them time and money
January 19, 2017
By Michael Butterworth, Mediated Dispute Solutions

Small businesses are tying up a staggering £12.4 billion in commercial disputes each year, according to figures from The Federation of Small Businesses (FSB)i. Firms across the commercial sector are being caught up in disputes – with seven in 10 of the FSB’s members experiencing at least one dispute between 2010-15.

Once a dispute gets underway the impact can be catastrophic for companies. All aspects of a business can suffer:

  • Cash-flow
  • Reputation
  • Customer relations
  • Stress and distress
  • Loss of productive time

Being good in business does not necessarily equip you to fight your corner in a dispute. In our experience for many this is uncharted territory. Often owners know their business well, but not the law and its process. They may contact their local high street solicitor or go to the CAB for help. Advice to seek the services of a mediation dispute provider, such as Mediated Dispute Solutions, in most cases, will work out cheaper and, more crucially, quicker than the alternatives.

The average disputeii has a value of £18,000 and the cost of settling each dispute is estimated at £17,000 and that is excluding the unseen costs of key directors not being ‘hands on’ in the business. Income is only generated when key players are physically working.

Mediation has a role to play in encouraging the quick and low-cost resolution of disputes. At Mediated Dispute Solutions, we have often found that when those involved try to sort out the dispute it can have unwelcome side-effects:

  • showing gaps in complaint handling techniques;
  • dents in service reputation;
  • making them fear being a push-over; or
  • labeled as uncaring and hard-nosed.

Often, they don’t have knowledge or easy access to relevant legal advice. When they do seek legal advice, they believe going to court is the only option. Lawyers can explain that mediation can have a role both before and after proceedings. We have found when people know about mediation they want to give it a try. Mediation offers them the fast, practical solution to solve the issue or dispute. More importantly, it can preserve the valuable business reputation and relationships that build businesses.

A call to Mediated Dispute Solutions is answered by a mediator who can give information and discuss individual needs whether a customer, supplier, sole trader or director. Most mediations, from first enquiry to settlement, take only 3-4 weeks. This helps with customer satisfaction, cash flow and the minimal loss of time by the key worker or director in finding a solution.

Lawyers can safely refer disputes to Mediated Dispute Solutions, knowing its mediators have specialist knowledge and offer a bespoke service to suit the needs of the parties. Individuals are encouraged to seek legal advice, but the good news for the legal advisers is a fast resolution which is cost effective. It’s win-win for all involved.

Mediated Dispute Solutions Ltd is a small business itself it understands the stresses faced by those running small businesses. It’s a registered provider with the CMC and its directors, Michael and Deborah Butterworth, are registered civil & commercial mediators.

So, what’s different about Mediated Dispute Solutions?

Mediated Dispute Solutions’ emphasis is on small businesses, their clients, their customers and their suppliers. We actively seek out to support the resolution of disputes. We want to help businesses learn from their experience and do things differently; thereby supporting their customer base and their communities.

Contact Mediated Dispute Solutions Ltd
T: 020 7993 6869

i Source information FSB Website UK Small Business Statistics and FSB First Voice Jan/Feb 2017 – Fair Hearing
ii ibid

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