Professional Associations and Mediation
June 20, 2019
By Mary Banham-Hall, LLB FMCA Mediator, Focus Mediation

Professional Associations are increasingly helping their members resolve time-consuming and unpleasant complaints using mediators to do this work – which is an ideal way to bring matters to a close.

Mediators ensure disputing parties feel understood and heard and can calm irate people and mediation is ideal for emotionally charged disputes. Mediation can calm the conflict driving the dispute, whereas adversarial argument and positioning inflame and drive conflict and escalate disputes. Mediation is informal, absorbs and neutralises anger, reduces stress helping people move on and let go.

Mediation is voluntary and confidential, it can help parties retain and continue relationships between business partners, employers and employees and businesses and their customers. It can salvage and protect reputations.

Mediation is:

Quick – usually mediation is completed within 14 days

Confidential – your discussions with the mediator are confidential and not relayed to the other party unless you want – so the mediator is in a uniquely powerful position to broker a settlement.

Impartial – mediators don’t take sides, acting as brokers for common sense and settlement

Flexible – the appointment time is agreed with you, taking in to account your needs

Low cost and highly valuable – a fixed fee which is far cheaper than court

Simple – no need for lots of information and documents.

Control – mediation keeps you in control – you are directly involved in finding a solution that you both can agree to, a solution you’d rather live with than fight about.

Sensitive and understanding – mediation takes into account feelings, interests and wishes – people often say it is the first time they felt anyone listened to them. This helps them get ‘unstuck’ and move on.

Voluntary – no one is made to mediate it requires both parties to try

Litigation is expensive and can take a up to 18 months to reach trial. Frequently the costs exceed the value of the dispute. For more information about courts go to

For Professional Associations with a number of complaints to resolve on a regular basis, mediation is an ideal service for their members and complainants alike. They are appreciated as responsive and proactive in resolution and problem solving – whilst delegating the specialist task of conflict resolution to the experts. An ideal solution.

Gloucester House, 399 Silbury B’vard, MK9 2AH
t: 01908 231132

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