Negotiation – An important skill!
January 11, 2019
ADR ODR International

Are negotiation skills important to have? Quite simply, we negotiate every day without even realising it. It could be with our partners, with our children or even in our workplace. Without some sort of negotiation good or bad our interactions with others would be besieged by constant conflict and misunderstanding.

We can often find ourselves in a situation where we have locked horns with others who hold different views or have different goals in mind. A competent negotiator will find a mutually acceptable way forward. They will skilfully navigate their way through the maze and find their way out unscathed. Good negotiation leads to better working practices at home and in the work place itself.

An important point to remember is that negotiation isn’t limited to big corporate decisions, or formal boardroom negotiations. Whether you are at work discussing a challenging situation with a co-worker, dealing with issues in your friendships or even trying to negotiate with your four-year-old that it’s bedtime, you can use negotiation skills several times a day, for challenges big or small.

When you are able to successfully navigate your way through an issue, prevent a conflict or achieve an acceptable solution to a mutual problem you have accomplished the art of negotiation.

ADR ODR International offers a 3-day intensive course which will be delivered in partnership with the European Institute for Conflict Resolution (EICR). This course is aimed at people from all backgrounds and professions.

We believe that strong negotiation skills can help people in all industries resolve conflicts in their workplace, in their home and in their personal life. The ability to negotiate can change how you perceive conflict; how you deal with it and can help you resolve the conflicts which arise across all areas of your life.

The 3-day Executive Negotiation and Conflict Management Skills Course aims to:

  • give you a basic understanding of how conflicts arise;
  • give you an introduction to conflict resolution; and
  • enable you to critically analyse the use of conflict resolution methods and approaches;
  • equip you with the basic skills needed to negotiate your way through a conflict;
  • help you to understand the principles behind negotiation;
  • help you to understand the cross-cultural issues that can occur during negotiations;
  • help you familiarise yourself with e-negotiations.
  • help you to understand your own negotiation style (and other negotiation styles).

The next course is scheduled for 25th-27th March 2019 at the Fairmont, The Palm Dubai. Please email for more details and a course brochure.

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