National Mediation Awards 2018 – The Winners’ Voices
January 11, 2019

The National Mediation Awards (NMA) took place in Mediation Awareness Week, in early October. The event, which the Civil Mediation Council jointly hosted with the College of Mediators, proved to be a fantastic celebration of excellence across all mediation sectors. Here, some of the winners share their thoughts on having received the award.

“Winning the mediation programme of the year award has been very important for The Medical Mediation Foundation and we were very honoured to receive it. The award brings recognition that medical mediation is becoming an important specialist area in the mediation field, particularly in the light of the recent high profile cases of Charlie Gard and Alfie Evans.” Sarah Barclay, Director, Medical Mediation Foundation.

“I manage a small project in Tower Hamlets providing free community mediation to all residents suffering conflict with their neighbours and to win the Community Programme of the Year was a true honour. The THMP project is only possible with the support of Rebecca Naylor at Reed Smith law firm in the city.” Irene Grindell, Tower Hamlets Mediation Project

‘It is a great honour to accept the Mediation Programme/Initiative of the Year Award 2018 on behalf of the Metropolitan Police Service. A high profile Employment Tribunal in 2014 led to a new framework and approach to managing workplace disputes as well as investing in over 50 people in becoming trained Mediators. I would like to thank all of those who have been involved in helping the Met make this change in approach a reality.’ Claire Lawson, Head of Case Management (Discrimination Complaints)

‘The TCM Group were proud to be presented with the Award for Mediation Service Provider of 2018. 2018 has seen a substantial increase in the use of workplace and employment mediation and we are grateful to the CMC and the College of Mediators for recognising our leadership in this field.’ David Liddle, The TCM Group

“While I am immensely honoured and humbled to be recognised in this manner, much of the credit for this should be given to the inspirational people I’ve had the opportunity to assist, collaborate with and be inspired by. This award is a testament to the wonderful people, be it mentors, institutions, stakeholders, or beneficiaries who have, in so many profoundly powerful ways, shaped my journey and modest contributions in the ADR world.” Mohamed Faizal Mohamed Abdul Kadir

“I trained the peer mediators at Hay-on-Wye Primary school back in 2015. The children and staff at Hay School have been so open to these ideas and committed to making their service work, I am very proud of them. If there are adult mediators out there who would like to work with their local primary school and be part of a cultural shift, please do get in touch with us as we provide training and support to mediators and schools.” Claire Jackson, Kids Mediate, Hay on Wye Primary School

‘I felt proud to be part of such an amazingly diverse group of mediation award winners. As well as applauding individuals, the awards celebrate the many achievements of the mediation community generally.’ Laura Mackey

‘Winning Mediation Champion of the Year 2018 awarded by the NMA was an overwhelmingly happy experience for me, as it pronounced true acknowledgment and appreciation as a mediator from the mediation industry. This has created a platform for me to springboard other professionals, women mediators, especially BAME professionals and businesses’. Selina Morgan-Gayle ‘It is such a privilege to work collaboratively with so many great people – develop and promote our field needs to be a joint effort, just like mediation.’ Ewan Malcolm

“Being nominated and receiving this award highlighted the importance of writing on the subject of family mediation and taking people, whether mediators or the public, on a journey, whether it be educational or, as in my article, making a political point. I hope that the NMA continue to inspire people in the industry to strive towards excellence and to recognise the dedication of people within the field of mediation.” Stuart Hanson

“We were delighted and proud to win Best Video of 2018 at NMA. Winning this award under scored that community mediation is a valuable and valued service and worthy of its place as part of the variety mediation interventions that can be accessed. The award has enabled us to provide recognition to out wonderful volunteer mediators, it has enhanced our profile as a charity and reputation and it makes us feel what we do is well regarded.” Mark Green, Brighton & Hove Independent Mediation Service

”We place a huge emphasis on fostering a supportive, caring culture at Aviva and our Resolution Procedure sits squarely at the heart of this. By using mediation, we can help to resolve matters more quickly and with less pain all round – which is better for our people, and ultimately our customers. We were thrilled to receive this
award and we’ll build on this success as our cultural transformation continues.” Anthony Fitzpatrick, Aviva People Function

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