Investing in Mental Health in the Workplace has Many Benefits
January 19, 2017
By Robert Still and Liz Katis of STILLHR

The Challenges of Mental Health Issues in the Workplace

We know how high the financial cost of conflict in the workplace can be but it also has a big impact on mental health. Both the individuals directly involved and staff across the organisation feel the stress and anxiety of unresolved differences.

The effect of not facing the difficult conversation, of not dealing with long or short term strains or silences ratchets up the tension and the results can be explosive and the organisation sees the results in declining efficiency and efficacy which is reflected in the bottom line. Causes of conflict are many and varied, ranging from persistent tensions in teams due to differences in performance or attendance, to personal habits, to the effects of organisational change.

Bespoke Diagnostic Services

At STILLHR we have developed a bespoke diagnostic service which looks for causes of conflict and recommends the best resolution tools. This can include not only mediation (when we feel it is the appropriate solution) but also varied mental health techniques. This flexible approach is delivered by a team of four associates led by Robert Still, the founder and director, which means we can offer a broad range of interventions in a tailored package which targets the specific issues to produce the most cost effective results.

Effective Tackling of Mental Health Issues in the Workplace

STILLHR specialise in the mental health implications of conflict – our associate, Liz Katis, is a UKCP registered psychotherapist with 25 years’ experience in the NHS and the workplace. She specialises in workplace relationships and organisational issues. For tricky or persistent conflicts we can offer a ‘Mediation Plus’ intervention – this includes up to three individual workplace support sessions for each individual followed by the traditional day mediation session. This replaces the one-day ‘quick fix’ mediation which often does not result in a lasting agreement. Using this approach, resolutions and voluntary agreements are more likely to be reached and be longer lasting.

‘Mediation Plus’ is particularly appropriate for key ‘mission critical’ staff who are more vital to the organisation’s continued success and, consequently, require more investment to ensure their continued maximum effectiveness.

‘Mental Health First Aid’ – A Better Approach

This year we are introducing a ‘Mental Health First Aid’ package for organisations that want to improve their support for mental health in the workplace. This is based on the accepted premise that prevention is better – and cheaper – than cure.

We can train groups of Mental Health First Aiders who will be registered with Mental Health First Aid England, and create

a bespoke package for the organisation. As part of the package we also offer research into the current state of staff mental health in the organisation and tailor the introduction of first aiders according to the research results.

STILLHR – A Portfolio of Effective Solutions

Underpinned by careful diagnosis and targeted intervention our clients achieve excellent results. Along with our other innovative and effective solutions such as ‘Courageous Conversations’, ‘Showing Respect in the Workplace’, ‘Managing Sickness Absence’ together with our standard mediation services, STILLHR, with bases in London and Yorkshire, are successfully helping organisations of all types all over the UK to create happier workplaces.


To learn more about STILLHR’s unique approach, call Robert Still for an initial informal chat on 07932 762 448.

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