Four Simple Measures to Reduce Workplace Conflicts
April 6, 2020
Cara de Lange, Burnout Expert, Speaker, Founder & Author of Softer Success

Have you noticed conflict in your workplace? Cara de Lange, Founder & CEO of Softer Success explains how conflict can be avoided.

Research shows us that some degree of conflict in organisations is inevitable because we’re all human with differing backgrounds and priorities. But we can all play our part in reducing both the level and impacts of workplace conflict.

The negative effects of workplace conflicts include reduced productivity, project failure, absenteeism, higher staff turnover and also emotional stress. Conflicts with managers or co-workers frequently top the list of reasons why employees leave a job which can have serious implications for a business. Research suggests it can cost thousands per employee due to a decrease in output, additional training and resourcing. It can also put remaining employees under additional pressure.

A 2015 survey by the CIPD (Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development)¹ found that four in ten UK employees had experienced some form of interpersonal conflict at work during the previous year and often this was with a staff member who was senior to them. Such conflict can be very stressful, demotivating and in extreme cases result in burnout.

A Deloitte study in January 2020² noted that presenteeism (working when unwell and being unproductive) and leaveism (working when on leave) are on the rise. Often people are reluctant to set boundaries and to say no as they’re afraid of their manager, afraid for their job security. Being surrounded by conflict, being a victim of conflict can place enormous emotional pressure on us which can lead to further conflict until it becomes a vicious circle.

It’s vital that organisations create a healthy work environment where people feel respected and can be themselves and one of the best ways to achieve this is to invest in training programs to encourage good communications and open and honest discussions.

Meanwhile here are my top tips that YOU can use to reduce the level of conflict in your workplace and, at the same time, protect your own wellbeing:

  • Be Kind in your communications: Rumi, the Sufi poet writing in the 12th Century, advised that before we say anything we ask ourselves Is it Necessary, Is it True, Is it Kind.
  • Remember we’re all different. Be aware of personality clashes. 49% of workplace conflict can be attributed to personality clashes.
  • Get enough sleep. When we’re sleep deprived we’re more likely to lose our temper which can cause conflict.
  • Think before you act – Avoid knee jerk reactions – Put yourself in the other person’s shoes before you respond and try to see the situation from their perspective.

If you need further advice or feel that your organisation would benefit from workshops on avoiding and managing conflict contact us at Softer Success here:

Cara de Lange

Burnout Expert, Speaker, Founder & Author of Softer Success

Cara de Lange is an international burnout expert, speaker and founder and author of ofter Success, empowering some of the world’s leading organisations and their employees to proactively prevent burnout. Cara’s powerful programme ‘Prevent Burnout, Find Balance’ enables individual clients and corporate teams to create a more harmonious, peaceful and productive life.

Cara is a sought-after keynote speaker on the subject of burnout and has been invited to speak at organisations such as Google, Box and European Women in Tech. Her book Softer Success: Prevent Burnout, Find Balance and Re-Define Your Success, published in 2019 is available via Amazon, Waterstones and Barnes & Noble.

¹ Chartered Institute for Personnel and Development. (2015). Getting under the skin of workplace conflict: Tracing the experiences of employees. Download available at: https://


accessed March 3rd, 2020

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