About ADR-ODR International
September 18, 2018

ADR-ODR International is the first company to bridge the gap between traditional face-to-face ADR and the digital world of Online Dispute Resolution (ODR). We offer our clients ADR and ODR professionals for hire to help them resolve their disputes. We also offer training for aspiring mediators and arbitrators and many national and international projects.

ADR-ODR International is committed to creating dialogue in conflict torn areas across the globe. We have established connections across Europe, Asia and Africa, and will be working across many locations to increase dialogue between conflicting parties. We understand that not all conflict can be resolved in a formal setting, therefore, we have created the Centre for Poetry and Conflict Resolution which will use the power of the written word and poetry to bring peace to conflicting parties.

The Hubs

ADR-ODR International’s business model is split into 3 hubs; the Civil-Commercial hub, the Family Hub and the Workplace Hub. The principals of our hubs are Rahim Shamji, Cressida Burnet and Pamela Whitehead who are all also part of our cADRe team. In each hub you can book negotiators, mediators and arbitrators or sign up to our tailor-made mediation and arbitration training.

Our mediation training – dual qualification as standard

Our mediation training is delivered by global experts who are practicing mediators. All of our mediation courses, when successfully completed, include a dual-qualification, meaning that all of our graduates will be qualified as face-to-face and online mediators. All of our delegates will receive hard copies of their course texts and an electronic copy on an iPad which we provide for them to use for the duration of their course. The use of the iPads allows each delegate to have easy access to the course texts, handouts, presentations and video recordings of their practice performances, anytime, anywhere. At the end of each course we record each delegate’s practical exam on their iPad so they can download a copy and we can review their exam performances and get them graded quickly from anywhere in the world. Our aim is to create training that is accessible to all and up-to-date with modern technology. We believe this will allow our graduates to flourish in the modern mediation and ODR industry.

The cADRe

We also have a first class team of cADRe experts who are ready to give our clients expert advice on any area of conflict/ dispute. Some of our experts include: Lord Peter Hain (former British cabinet member), Ales Zalar (former Justice Secretary of Slovenia), Dame Linda Dobbs (former High Court judge), Dr Zaza Elsheikh (faithful dispute resolution specialist), Diana Wallis (former MEP and Commercial specialist) and Zoe Giannopoulou (ADR and conflict expert, Greece) to name a few.


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